Peace Out 2014

Well it’s been a few months since my last post and honestly I’ve been on an awful downhill since Halloween. I have been a serious chocoholic! I’ve been digging and searching for candy to get my fix. It. Is. Bad! I KNOW I am in DESPERATE need of a sugar detox and to get back on track for 2015. Anyways I want to quickly recap 2014 and do the cliche look ahead to the new year new me…
2014 was FULL of changes. I started out the year by running my first ultra marathon (a 50K) and I was about 15ish weeks preggo and decided it was time to let everyone else in on the fact that I was preggo so I wore a running for two tshirt to the event and let people figure it out from there. My running community family was very supportive and I had a blast running while pregnant. I still managed to place in my age group in a few races even in a smaller 5K race I took 3rd overall at 27 weeks preggo. I ran and ran and ran some more…my best friends are runners and they’ve been my therapy in these tough times this past year. I was also fortunate enough to go on a last minute whirlwind girls weekend trip to Atlanta to do…yep that’s right a half marathon!
If I could describe 2014 in just one word it would be chaotic! Yet it’s just the kind of chaos I like. About half way through the year we moved from Georgia to Texas. Although I miss my peeps in the Savannah area and I miss the beach I have really been enjoying San Antonio and building community here. We have been ridiculously fortunate to have amazing people in Troys unit and even more lucky to have some fantastic neighbors! The summer started off a little rocky and secluded but we had family visit and were lucky that my sister was here when Mikey decided to make his grand appearance into the world on the 4th of July – he truly is my firecracker baby! In a few days he will be 6 months old…where does the time go?! He’s already crawling around and wanting to eat real food. He amazes me every day. I have a gut feeling though that he will always be our baby and that we are done having kiddos. As for the other kiddos they are fabulous…Sophia started first grade and it. Is. HARD! She really struggles but she works her butt off and has made A/B honor roll – her progress report was all A’s & B’s again so I’m sure she will do fine the rest of the year. Tedy of course hasn’t had it the easiest and regressed a lot when we moved. Not going to lie therapy in Texas has SUCKED! Yet luckily he is in the pre-k program. I hope that in 2015 we can FINALLY get him into some other specialized programs. Ceci is my crazy curly haired strong willed 2 year old. She is feisty as can be. In 2014 she had to have tubes placed into her ears and they worked wonders and her vocabulary has sky-rocketed since then. Our fur babies are doing well…I can’t believe we are coming up on Athena’s 1 year “gotcha day”. Toby is an old man who just goes around the house finding anyone still asleep…he even puts himself to bed at night. But don’t let his old man laziness fool you because he can hang with Athena and actually he’s still a better running buddy than she is.
Troy is doing well and 2015 is going to be a BIG year for him. He is doing well in his position here and as worked hard to accomplish some amazing things. Just yesterday he earned “promotable” status. I know he will promote soon because he’s always studying and working on new things to make sure he’s the best soldier he can be.
As for me I’ve honestly been very depressed and struggling this past year. I am conscious of what’s up and know what I need to do to keep digging myself out. I had a very rough medical bump shortly after Mikey was born and I’m still recovering from it. I have plans set in place for 2015 to help me even more. The problem with having a disease that people don’t know much about is…well…people don’t know much about it…at least I have a team of good docs who are on the same page as I am and happily working with me on alternative treatments and monitoring. Keep on keeping on…or as Taylor Swift would say “shake it off” [yes I love that song].
So PEACE OUT 2014!
In 2015:
• I will continue my “jamazing” Jamberry nails independent consultant journey – it has helped me a TON with not biting my nails.
• get back on the fitness track:
* PRs baby that’s the name of the game for 2015 – I WILL BREAK MY PRs!
* get back into the clothes that are sitting in a tough box in my closet – it is going to take some hard work but luckily I have friends to help keep me accountable and my own personal Team Beach Body coach (aka my hubs)
• Not yell so much – I can get angry and I can snap and yell and I hate that about me.
• READ – sure I read a ton on my phone but I need to get back to the paper stuff.
• keep up with the laundry – I know it may sound silly but I detest putting laundry away and I hope to do better with it in the new year. Actually right now I’m in the middle of putting laundry away so it’s a start.

Dear readers and followers,
Thank you for your continuous support and

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